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Before you continue, please make sure you have installed and initialized Capacitor in Bionic and that Apple's XCode is installed.

Initialize Capacitor iOS

This step is only required once and it will generate the necessary assets under platform/capacitor/ios directory.

> bionic platform capacitor ios init
🚀  Capacitor iOS is ready to go! - try: bionic platform capacitor ios open

Build and deploy Capacitor iOS

This step prepares Blazor assets for Capacitor iOS deployment.

> bionic platform capacitor ios build
☕  Building iOS Capacitor...
✔ Copying web assets from www to ios/App/public in 44.06ms
✔ Copying native bridge in 6.15ms
✔ Copying capacitor.config.json in 1.50ms
✔ copy in 62.72ms
🚀  Capacitor successfully built. Try: bionic platform capacitor ios open

This step opens XCode with the project ready to go:

> bionic platform capacitor ios open
☕  Opening iOS Capacitor project...
✔ Opening the Xcode workspace... in 3.01s

Select iOS target and run the App in Emulator or Device:

XCode Run App

And if everything went well, the app should be loaded in the provided device or emulator.

XCode Emulator

Please remember that Capacitor is still in Beta and you may encounter some minor issues.
