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iOS, Android, Electron, PWA

The Device API exposes internal information about the device, such as the model and operating system version, along with user information such as unique ids.




    DeviceInfo DeviceData;
    private async Task Device() {
        try {
            DeviceData = await DeviceBridge.GetInfo();
        catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle error



Return information about the underlying device/os/platform

static Task<DeviceInfo> GetInfo()



    public class DeviceInfo {
        public string model; // The device model. For example, "iPhone"
        public string platform; // The device platform (lowercase). For example, "ios", "android", or "web"
        public string uuid; // The UUID of the device as available to the app. This identifier may change on modern mobile platforms that only allow per-app install UUIDs.
        public string appVersion; // The current bundle version of the app
        public string osVersion; // The version of the device OS
        public string manufacturer; // The manufacturer of the device
        public bool isVirtual; // Whether the app is running in a simulator/emulator
        public long memUsed; // Approximate memory used by the current app, in bytes. Divide by 1048576 to get the number of MBs used.
        public long diskFree; // Approximate memory used by the current app, in bytes. Divide by 1048576 to get the number of MBs used.
        public long diskTotal; // Approximate memory used by the current app, in bytes. Divide by 1048576 to get the number of MBs used.
        public long batteryLevel; // A percentage (0 to 1) indicating how much the battery is charged
        public bool isCharging; // Whether the device is charging
